Gift Vouchers for Christmas & other occasions

Have you thought of giving, or receiving, a Gift Voucher that a horse person would really love?image001

Designate how much you want to be included in the Gift Voucher and let your recipient choose how they would like to use their Gift Voucher
Choose the service you want them to enjoy, eg. Immersion Course, Private Lesson – their horse or ours, Clinic Session, Long Distance Help with their own horse, CLICK HERE for all the choices that are available.
Call with your specific requirements so we can let you know the cost.

Attractive Vouchers available or organise your own eg. a special card for example.
We can email an attractive occasion specific Gift Voucher or print and post to the recipient or hold for collection.

Suitable for Local, Country, Interstate & Overseas Riders

CLICK HERE for payment options

Landline: (+61 8) 8370.9809  |  Barrie: 0400.639.909  |  Sarita: 0408.084.777

Or: SMS Barrie:  0400.639.909


Bank Details for Payment: BSB:085-458 Account: 55-737-4369

Description Box: Write recipients name

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